Monday, March 6, 2017

A Lenten Project 1

At our Ash Wednesday service
we each received this piece of burlap
with our ashes.

Burlap cloth has biblical history.

We were asked to keep it present in our lives
during this time of Lent
to remind us of our repentance.

As the pastor was sharing about this small piece of burlap,
my mind immediately went to the thought - 
I will add to this piece of burlap for each day of Lent
and create a visual representation
of my journey.

Day 1:  I added the purple yarn,
the color of majesty.

Day 2:  I added a piece of paper I made a few year back 
with flower petals meshed it.
Nature's delicacy 

Day 3: I added the loose page from an old religious book
I was given.
Words God has heard spoken
in the air I breath today.

I sewed the old page onto the burlap and the handmade paper.

Right away, it begins to take on this presence of age and relic beauty.

An old singular peacock feather earring I had
around my studio was calling to join into this
uniquely visual journey.

Day 4: An old singular peacock earring
tied on with a yellow string,
this demonstrates God's use of his fantastically perfect pattern and color scheme.

The end of Day 4!

Day 5 Lenten Project

Day 5:  I added an old yellow piece of salvaged wood

The Lenten project thus far was tacked onto the yellow piece of wood with 2 nails.
These copper nails symbolized the nails that went 
into Christ's hands.

My Lenten journey thus far...


  1. Wow! So wonderfully creative and moving...thanks for sharing!
